Monday, September 9, 2024

Three radical Trump policies Americans can’t ignore

The GOP nominee's plans for immigration, tariffs and opponents would be violent and foolish.

Opinion by Eugene Robinson

He seems sincerely, and incredibly, unable to understand how tariffs work. He portrays them as "taxes" on foreign countries, but actually it is U.S. importers who foot the bill, who will then pass those extra costs along to consumers. Trump's tariffs would effectively be a huge tax increase on any American who buys anything made overseas.
Speaking last week to the Economic Club of New York — of all audiences — Trump defended this bad idea by praising the McKinley Tariff, an 1890 measure that raised import duties to nearly 50 percent and caused prices to soar. The tariff, named for Republican House member and future president William McKinley, ended up making Americans poorer and producing less revenue for the government, not more.
Anyone who wonders whether a second Trump term would really be so bad should listen to what he intends to do. It won't just be bad. It will be much, much worse.


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