Monday, May 18, 2020

Trump says he is taking hydroxychloroquine to protect against coronavirus, dismisses safety concerns

Sunday, May 17, 2020

There is a huge difference between Christine Blasey Ford and Tara Reade

"Believe women" does not mean we must be blind to facts or engage in willful blindness. Sexual assault is a crime. In our system of justice and in the court of public opinion, facts still matter, and not all allegations are equally meritorious. Some are downright false. With regard to Reade, it's long past time the media stopped indulging in the notion that if you believe Ford, you must believe Reade.

Believe All Women? Sure. Here’s 25 we should start with

 Trump supporters are saying that we should “believe all women” because we feel that all accuser’s claims should be investigated and not just dismissed out of hand.

Here are the 25 women that have accused Resident Trump of sexual misconduct. Why can’t we investigate all of these claims along with Tara Reade’s?