Saturday, July 6, 2024

Of Course Trump is lying about Project 2025 - American Autocracy Threat Tracker

Trump's openly dictatorial aspirations are complemented by an extensive pre-election plan to fundamentally alter the nature of American government: the Heritage Foundation's 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025). Created by Trump allies and staffed by those including his past and likely futureadministration appointees, it is in the words of Heritage Foundation president Roberts, a plan for "institutionalizing Trumpism." Trump has returned the compliment, saying of Roberts (and Heritage) that he's "doing an unbelievable job, he's bringing it back to levels we've never seen … thank you Kevin." There are multiple other Trump world connections with Project 2025. But as it comes under intensified scrutinyTrump has recently sought to distance himself by claiming he knows "nothing about" it, has "no idea who is behind it," had "nothing to do with them," and "disagree[s] with some of the things they're saying[,]" which "are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal." Yet, as noted by Axios and other sources, Project 2025 is "undeniably a Trump-driven operation,"with Trump's main super political action committee, "Make America Great Again Inc." (or "MAGA Inc."), running online ads promoting a website called "Trump Project 2025."

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