Thursday, October 10, 2024

Disgusting. Republicans now Challenge the Validity of Votes from Overseas Military Personnel

Republicans challenge legitimacy of overseas votes, including military

The Pennsylvania suit opens a front in GOP efforts to raise questions about the validity of mail-in ballots, targeting a group that had been seen as off-limits.

By Colby Itkowitz and Amy Gardner

It Couldn’t Happen Here

Monday, September 16, 2024

We should call this Victim CLAIMING |

Another chance for Trump to frame Democrats as dangerous has emerged

Trumpworld is eager to have Americans blame his opponents' rhetoric for assassination attempts — both to nullify their arguments and to cast Trump as a victim.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Three radical Trump policies Americans can’t ignore

The GOP nominee's plans for immigration, tariffs and opponents would be violent and foolish.

Opinion by Eugene Robinson

He seems sincerely, and incredibly, unable to understand how tariffs work. He portrays them as "taxes" on foreign countries, but actually it is U.S. importers who foot the bill, who will then pass those extra costs along to consumers. Trump's tariffs would effectively be a huge tax increase on any American who buys anything made overseas.
Speaking last week to the Economic Club of New York — of all audiences — Trump defended this bad idea by praising the McKinley Tariff, an 1890 measure that raised import duties to nearly 50 percent and caused prices to soar. The tariff, named for Republican House member and future president William McKinley, ended up making Americans poorer and producing less revenue for the government, not more.
Anyone who wonders whether a second Trump term would really be so bad should listen to what he intends to do. It won't just be bad. It will be much, much worse.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

USA TODAY Network: Dive into Donald Trump's thousands of lawsuits - azcentral

Donald Trump: Three decades

4,095 lawsuits

An exclusive and ongoing USA TODAY analysis of legal filings across the United States finds that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and his businesses have been involved in thousands of legal actions in federal and state courts over the past three decades. They range from skirmishes with casino patrons to million-dollar real estate suits to personal defamation lawsuits.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

‘I’m trying to make it’: Jimmy Carter’s goal is to vote for Kamala Harris

Jimmy Carter is the very best human to have ever been President. 

From the article:

Nearing his 100th birthday and in hospice care since February 2023, the former president Jimmy Carter reportedly has one goal: voting for Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.

"I'm only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris," Carter told his son Chip this week, as his grandson Jason Carter recounted to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Flashback: Waxing Poetics - The Oral History (Part 1 of 2)

The First Single

David Middleton: We felt that going from playing live to entering the studio was a natural progression. You know, naturally, all of the groups that we grew up listening to made records. Paul and I at one point even kind of started chomping at the bit, and I remember a time when he and I were driving around town, just kind of talking, and saying, "Okay, if we don't have a record out by this time next year, we're just busting it up."

So much of being in a band is sitting around and waiting. Getting your name out and waiting for things to happen, waiting for sound check, waiting for the club to open, and this and that. And weeks go by without a gig. Especially back then. Of course, I sound like an old man, but without the internet and things like that constantly putting your name out there, you had to play gigs, you had to put up flyers, you had to really keep your name out there to get anything going.

Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos — ProPublica

A review of the training videos shows that 29 of the 36 speakers have worked for Trump in some capacity — on his 2016-17 transition team, in the administration or on his 2024 reelection campaign. The videos appear to have been recorded before the resignation two weeks ago of Paul Dans, the leader of the 2025 project, and they are referenced on the project's website. The Heritage Foundation said in a statement at the time of Dans' resignation that it would end Project 2025's policy-related work, but that its "collective efforts to build a personnel apparatus for policymakers of all levels — federal, state, and local — will continue."

JD Vance - Wikipedia

The New Republic criticized him as "liberal media's favorite white trash–splainer" and the "false prophet of blue America."